Friday, May 20, 2011

Last English Paper

What do people think I should get for a grade when I have only been here for a quarter of the year?  I think that I should get a B+/ A- for a grade.  I am always participating in discussions, galley walks, writing in journals and other things as well.  My progress is good because my writing is better and I am not making as many mistakes.  My performance isn’t always the greatest.  I am writing ok at times and when I try to fix it, it just becomes worst.  During the year I have learned how to write better, understand things easier, and comprehend things better than before.  I deserve an A- because I am hardworking and it will help boost my grade average up.
You said that I deserve a B/ B+.  You say that I do not share enough during the writings and other things that we do in class.  Also, because some things were late and the grade was lower than before.  So what if my writing isn’t always the best but I am always trying to fix it and make it better so that can get an A.  I really want to have a better grade and I am always working for it.
I am hardworking and I try to go above and beyond in things that we do.  I am always trying to fix my writing and make it better so that I can get a better grade.  I always participate in most of the things we do in class.  Also, I try to make my performance and progress better.  I always trying to make everything that I do better because not only will I get a better grade I will start to do more and more as I write.  I am trying to get an A- in your class.
Getting an A- will help boost my grade average up.  Usually I have an A’s in English and I am trying to get it in your class.  I really want to have an A in your class but I somehow end up being just short of it.  I am always trying to make up that short part from an A but every time I try to it just get farther and farther away.   I am always working hard to get an A but can’t get one.  I really want an A and will work even harder next time to get one.
I deserve an A- because I am hardworking and I need it to help boost my grade average up.  I am always trying to get A’s in every class.  I have good participation, progress, and a descent performance on all the things that we do in class.  I want to get an A and I will continue to work hard for it but I need it stop going farther away and if that happens then I will write better than before.   I really deserve an A- for all the catching up that I had to do in your class and all my other classes as well.  I deserve an A- because I will not only work hard for it but  I will continue to make my participation, progress, and performance better and better than it was when I started English here at ONW. 

Tuesday, May 17, 2011


I want to become a professional soccer player.
I need to make that dream come true.
Don't become the next original gangster.

With this dream I just become a chaser.
I want to make this dream anew.
I want to become a professional soccer player.

If this dream starts to die it will just get darker.
If it starts to die don't give up hope.
Don't become the next original gangster.

Don't worry if you don't give up hope your not a goner.
You will keep hoping and you'll climb the slope.
I want to become a professional soccer player.

Some people think that this goal is making you a dreamer.
Don't worry about them you'll be fine just remember don't grope.
Don't become the next original gangster.

Remeber to keep the goal alive and just think higher.
Just keep your dream in your scope.
I want to become a professional soccer player.
Don't become the next original gangster.

Monday, May 9, 2011


I love to play soccer daily, even during the night.
You have to kick the ball into the net.
You need to kick the right or you'll lose sight.
If you miss the net you will be in debt.
Soccer is a reall big sport all around the world.
People crowd around just to see a game. 
The crowd's favorite team wants to get the ball hurled.
If a team does not score durong the game thet are the same.
The World Cup is a very big thing to win.
The winning team gets to loved by their country.
If a team does not score it is a sin.
During a intense game it can be crazy.
I love to play soccer all the time.
I even play it in my bedtime.

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

If I were Sam Fisher I would do the same thing.  I would go after the people who killed my brother with a disease.  I would find them question them for answers about the things that are happen and what happened to him.  Also, I would go follow his foot steps and find out what was going on and why he ended up dead for it.  I would make sure to stop what ever is going to happen during the time that I would be investigating to find out whats going on and how to stop it.

I'm surprised that the North Koreans were helping during the book. The North Koreans are a communist country and why would they be helping the people that they are helping.  What was the point of them helping and what is in it for them.  North Koreans do not help a lot but in this book they did.  At the end I found out what it was all for and why they were helping the people in Kyrgyzstan.

I noticed that during the book Sam gets to travel the world trying to solve what happened.  He goes to San Francso, North Korea, South Africa, Kyrgyzstan, Canada, and a town called Little Bicsek.  When he goes to all these places they are for different reasons.  In San Francso for training.  To Canada to find his brother's work place and to talk to a very powerful man.  In Litte Bicsek to see a friend is there and find so information about a connection.  To North Korea to talk to a spy that is working for the wrong side.  In South Africa to find so coorinadates that his brother left.  In Kyrgyzstan to stop what his brother found could destroy the oil supply in the Earth.

I wonder what would have happened if Sam had not been able to stop it.  I think the world wouldn't be able to survive without oil because it powers most of the thinks that we are using today.  The world would end up paying the North Koreans money to get to the oil supply that had found.  The entire world would go broke paying money to the North Koreans and would not survive when that oil supply was gone.

I realized that without oil the world would have been chaos.  They would all be paying for oil or they would have to find another way to keep the world power supply going.  They would run out of money first and then they would have to find a new way to power all the modern things that we use today.  It would be very hard on everyone.  The world would be mad and we would not be able to survive without a type of power source.  So I am glad that Sam was able to stop this from happening.

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

riddle poem

It roars like a lion,
 purs like a cat.
It is strong a little thing
 can hall about anything.

It has a metallic skin,
 that can be any color.
It's fast and it's slow.

It likes to travel,
 all over the world.
It likes to be,
 fueled with gas.

It has a V6 engine,
that makes it look like it's blazin.
With its speed it runs very
fast just like a horse.

It is awesome,
all the time.
It's a great thing
to have anytime.

parent letter

Dear Mom and Dad,
I have a big question for you guys; can I get a TV in my room?  There can be a big benefit from doing this for me.  I know I am getting a new bed but this could help me at a later time.  If you get me a TV for my room there are many things that can happen because of this.  We could have the Xbox out of the sunroom and move it to my room.  Then, we would be able to make the sunroom nicer and lay it out the way that you want it to be.  You guys will not let me get a TV but I really want to have one in my room.  Having a TV in my room would help us when I have friends over the house. 
There are a couple of bad things that can happen if I was able to get a TV in my room.  One bad thing is that I might stay up late watching TV or playing the Xbox.  Another bad thing that could happen is that having a TV in my room would cost a lot of money to have cable run to it so I could watch TV.  
If I got the TV in my room some big things could happen for us.  We could take the Xbox out of the sunroom and put it my room.  Then, we would be able to create the sunroom the way that you want to be laid out.  This idea has been in my head since we got here and this can help both of us in a big way.
The biggest thing you guys would say is that it costs money to have a TV in my room.  I could take care of the cable service payments once I get a job.  When, this happens you guys will be happy that I am paying for something that I really want to have.  Since you guys always pay for all the things that I need I think that this would be a good thing that I am paying for it.  I think that there can be many things that happen if this could happen in my room.
            I think that it would be a really good thing if I could have a TV in my room.  There are many positives to having a TV in my room.  It will help when we want to fix the sunroom that we have.  Hopefully, you will agree with me on the reason’s that I have for wanting to have a TV in my room.

Your Son,

Bryan Clark

acrostic poem

Basketball player

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Caesar's Speech

Bryan Clark

 English II
10 March 2011
                                      Julius Caesar and Friendship

What friendship does mean to me?  To me friendship means being able to trust and respect your friends.  Also, it means that your friends trust you and respect enough not to backstab you.  That both Brutus and I have different thoughts about what friendship means to them.  I think that my meaning of friendship is correct and that Brutus’s is wrong. 
            Brutus and I both have different views about friendship.  I think that friendship is being trustworthy, honest, and respectable to both your friends and yourself.  To Brutus friendship is taking power, control, and fixing things for people without them knowing about it.  Even though we have different opinions to the word friendship does not mean that either of us right about what it actual means we just said what means to us.   
In my eyes friendship means being able to trust someone.  Be trustworthy to your friends.  Helping your friends with all the problems that they have trouble with.  Also, respect your friends and they all will respect you.  To be honest with your friends if you did something wrong.  What friendship isn’t to Caesar is backstabbing someone and saying that it was for a different reason.  Physically, wronging or hurting your friend in more ways than one.  Doing something with your friend that will hurt them but will help you is some way.  That I have the way that a friend should be treated not the way that I was treated before my death.   
In Brutus’s eyes friendship is fixing your friends flaws for them without knowing.  Wanting them to act a certain way to help you look better to other people.  Taking advantage of your friends and using them to get what you want.  What friendship isn’t to Brutus is having too much power.  Having control over the people of Rome.  Doing things for your friends that should be left alone.  To Brutus friendship is different in his eyes than in mine.
My definition of friendship is correct and Brutus’s is wrong.  His is about taking power, control, and fixing things for your friends.  Mine is about being respectful, honest, and trustworthy.  I think that people would rather have my definition of friendship more than Brutus’s definition. 

Thursday, February 17, 2011


Dear Caesar,

                My wife is holding me down.  She is wanting to know what is happening  to me.  I told her that I was sick and that was all.  She does doesn't believe me and thinks that there is it than I am telling her.  i don't what to do.  I really need your advice on this.

please help me,


Dear Brutus,

I think that you tell what you told her.  You need to tell her to leave you alone and to mind her own business.   If you tell her this and hold your ground about it then she will leave you alone.  My wife has told me that I will die today.  I don't know what to do because she wants me to stay home and say I am sick so that I will not be killed.  I don't know what to do about this I want to go but I don't know what I should do can you help me.


Dear Caesar,

       Thank you for the advice.  You should tell your wife that the dream was a good thing and not a bad one. She worries about you but she is wrong.   Tell her that the dream was telling her that you will spread good prosperity to Rome.  Hopefully, she will agree when you tell her this and she will allow you to go to the Senate where you you will become king of Rome.

your friend,


Dear, Brutus,

   Thanks for the advice my wife has agree and will let go become king.  When she hear I was going to become king she liked what she was hearing.  She said that it was time for me to become king and that I will lead Rome to great peace and prosperity.  Hopefully, you will come and greet me at my home.  From there we can walk together to the Senate house.

Your King,


Dear  Caesar,

   I will come and greet you at your house.  What time would you like me to come and get you.  Also,  will we get some other senators as we make our way towards the Senate house.

your friend,


Dear Brutus,

  Please come get me at 7'o' clock.   Also we will pick up other senators along the way.



Dear Caesar,

  I will meet you then hopefully the day in the Senate house will be easy.  I see then.

your friend,


Friday, February 11, 2011

enlish paper

Dear Dr. Berry,
                I hear that you might be adding on two extra days of school.   It might help us high school students by giving us more time to study for finals, but the middle and elementary schools will have two extra days as well.  It might help us but it will be a pain for the middle and elementary school kids that are just sitting in a class doing nothing.  Also, some students in the high school might not come to school because it would be a waste to them.  They would not come to school those two days so they could have summer on time.  It might be harmful to people and helpful as well.  Even if it is helpful students will not want to have two extra days of school when summer is right around the corner.  You can make a choice about all of this.  So you choose what you want but if you choose one way you be hated and criticized for it.
                Some people want to have extra days.  It will let them learn more about their subjects.  Some students want to finish their classes so they can have their education of that class.  It will also help them catch up their classes.  It will allow them to finish or do work that they have missed.  It might help some people but not all people.
                If we have school for two extra days students would be asking their teachers what could they do.  Even with all the snow days teachers are trying to get the students caught back up on the work that they have missed.  If this is happening then why should we have two extra days?  Also, even if all the students weren’t caught up they would not do anything and they would be bored.  I say that they would be bored because summer is right around the corner and they don’t want to do work when summer is here.  It is true in schools all around the world they will not do anything if summer is here.  They are thinking about summer and are not concentrating but are thinking about what they are going to do during the summer. 
                It is just more days to the students.  It is not helping them.  It is hurting them because they are not going to do anything.  They are bored with school already and don’t want to come.  It is just making them suffer with the extra days of school.  They will not pay attention to the teachers.  They want to leave the school and have their summer.  So let them have it.  If you let them have it they will be happy with you and wouldn’t be suffering.  They want to you to make the right choice.
                Hopefully, you make the right choice because if you don’t you will be criticized for it.  So the biggest question of all is what are you going to choose?   Are you going to add on extra days or are you going to leave the school days alone and let the students have their summer?  You have to make a very big choice so what is it going to be Dr. Berry?