Wednesday, April 13, 2011

parent letter

Dear Mom and Dad,
I have a big question for you guys; can I get a TV in my room?  There can be a big benefit from doing this for me.  I know I am getting a new bed but this could help me at a later time.  If you get me a TV for my room there are many things that can happen because of this.  We could have the Xbox out of the sunroom and move it to my room.  Then, we would be able to make the sunroom nicer and lay it out the way that you want it to be.  You guys will not let me get a TV but I really want to have one in my room.  Having a TV in my room would help us when I have friends over the house. 
There are a couple of bad things that can happen if I was able to get a TV in my room.  One bad thing is that I might stay up late watching TV or playing the Xbox.  Another bad thing that could happen is that having a TV in my room would cost a lot of money to have cable run to it so I could watch TV.  
If I got the TV in my room some big things could happen for us.  We could take the Xbox out of the sunroom and put it my room.  Then, we would be able to create the sunroom the way that you want to be laid out.  This idea has been in my head since we got here and this can help both of us in a big way.
The biggest thing you guys would say is that it costs money to have a TV in my room.  I could take care of the cable service payments once I get a job.  When, this happens you guys will be happy that I am paying for something that I really want to have.  Since you guys always pay for all the things that I need I think that this would be a good thing that I am paying for it.  I think that there can be many things that happen if this could happen in my room.
            I think that it would be a really good thing if I could have a TV in my room.  There are many positives to having a TV in my room.  It will help when we want to fix the sunroom that we have.  Hopefully, you will agree with me on the reason’s that I have for wanting to have a TV in my room.

Your Son,

Bryan Clark

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