Dear Dr. Berry,
I hear that you might be adding on two extra days of school. It might help us high school students by giving us more time to study for finals, but the middle and elementary schools will have two extra days as well. It might help us but it will be a pain for the middle and elementary school kids that are just sitting in a class doing nothing. Also, some students in the high school might not come to school because it would be a waste to them. They would not come to school those two days so they could have summer on time. It might be harmful to people and helpful as well. Even if it is helpful students will not want to have two extra days of school when summer is right around the corner. You can make a choice about all of this. So you choose what you want but if you choose one way you be hated and criticized for it.
Some people want to have extra days. It will let them learn more about their subjects. Some students want to finish their classes so they can have their education of that class. It will also help them catch up their classes. It will allow them to finish or do work that they have missed. It might help some people but not all people.
If we have school for two extra days students would be asking their teachers what could they do. Even with all the snow days teachers are trying to get the students caught back up on the work that they have missed. If this is happening then why should we have two extra days? Also, even if all the students weren’t caught up they would not do anything and they would be bored. I say that they would be bored because summer is right around the corner and they don’t want to do work when summer is here. It is true in schools all around the world they will not do anything if summer is here. They are thinking about summer and are not concentrating but are thinking about what they are going to do during the summer.
It is just more days to the students. It is not helping them. It is hurting them because they are not going to do anything. They are bored with school already and don’t want to come. It is just making them suffer with the extra days of school. They will not pay attention to the teachers. They want to leave the school and have their summer. So let them have it. If you let them have it they will be happy with you and wouldn’t be suffering. They want to you to make the right choice.
Hopefully, you make the right choice because if you don’t you will be criticized for it. So the biggest question of all is what are you going to choose? Are you going to add on extra days or are you going to leave the school days alone and let the students have their summer? You have to make a very big choice so what is it going to be Dr. Berry?
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